
What 2 Watch?

Movie selector where the user can select criteria and get a list of movies that contain the selected criteria to watch. The cure for the "I don't care, whatever you want to watch" debacle. With the "What to Watch" site, simply enter your parameters and BOOM crisis averted. What to Watch will take your selections and return a short list of Movies and/or TV Shows with your selected criteria. You no longer have to waste time thinking about a movie/TV-Show simply select your response and now you have a list of available titles within your search criteria! Don't like the 4 that were chosen for you, simply click again or change your parameters and you will be given a new list to choose from. Feeling risky?? Try clicking the Unique Suggestions button for some truly unique suggestions....


This tech blog app is a blog that allows users to create, update and delete posts. The app also allows user to comment posts. This project is unique because it authenticates users and incorporates cookies to ensure that the user experience is optimal. MVC-Tech-Blog uses handlebars as the front end framework and communicates seamlessly with mysql to produce a quality blog site.

E-Commerce Back-End Builder

The application can be used to create products, update existing products and delete products from the database. The categories, products and tags can also be searched both by all or by selected parameters. This application uses GET/POST/PUT/DELETE API routes to build a database of Categories,Products and Tags for an e-commerce platform.

Work Day Scheduler

A day scheduler has been created to give the user the ability to create a Work Day Schedule and save the activities/notes to their local storage. The scheduler also gives the user the ability to see tasks by time of day and labels the event by color.

Optimized Password Generator

The Optimized-Password-Generator is a helpful tool to use when creating a password using a specific criteria.


Zack Anderson
